This is an old revision of the document!
-faible isolation
-U bat =1.1
-température extérieur de base = -5
-Déperditions = Coef U bat x Volume x (Température ambiante - Températures extérieure de base)
-Delta T50
total : 8.600w (8.574w)</font>1)
|||| |==== salon ==== * -19° * 5.7*3.2*4(de moyenne) * 73m3 * 4200w
(F4(2324w)) + (F1(1825w))</font>
|==== salle a manger ==== * -19° * 4.3*3.3*2.5 * 35m3 * 2000w
<font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;#f1c40f>(A3(1629))</font>+ <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>300w
|==== cuisine ==== * -18° * 4.3*3*2.5 * 32m3 * 1900w * couloir * -17° * 2.2*1.4*2.5 * 500w * 2400w
| | | ===== 1er =====
total = 8.500w <font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;null>(8.012w)</font>((</font>4.012w))
|||| |==== salle de bains ==== * -20° * 4.8*3.2*2.5 * 38.5m3 * 2300w
(A4(</font>400w))+ 1900w
|==== piece a jeux ==== * -18° * 3.3*3.3*2.5 * 1600w * couloir * -17° * 1*3.3*2.5 * 500w * 35.5m3 * 2100w
<font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;null>() + 2100w</font>
|==== chambre parents ==== * -17° * 4.8*3.8*2.5 * 45.6m3 * 2400w
<font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;#f1c40f>(A2(</font>2094w))+ <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>306w
|==== chambre enfants ==== * -17° * 4.3*3*2.5 * 32m3 * 1700w
(A1(</font>1518w))+ <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>182w
| | ===== Total =====
17.000w (16.586w)</font>((</font>8.137w))
|||| * (A) radiateur acier - © 90*60 ⇒ 1518w - © 90*90 ⇒ 2094w - © 70*90 ⇒ 1629w - © seche serviette : 400w * (F) radiateur fonte** - © 78*22 6col x 11 ⇒ 1825w
|||| |==== salon ==== * -19° * 5.7*3.2*4(de moyenne) * 73m3 * 4200w
(F4(2324w)) + (F1(1825w))</font>
|==== salle a manger ==== * -19° * 4.3*3.3*2.5 * 35m3 * 2000w
<font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;#f1c40f>(A3(1629))</font>+ <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>300w
|==== cuisine ==== * -18° * 4.3*3*2.5 * 32m3 * 1900w * couloir * -17° * 2.2*1.4*2.5 * 500w * 2400w
| | | ===== 1er =====
total = 8.500w <font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;null>(8.012w)</font>((</font>4.012w))
|||| |==== salle de bains ==== * -20° * 4.8*3.2*2.5 * 38.5m3 * 2300w
(A4(</font>400w))+ 1900w
|==== piece a jeux ==== * -18° * 3.3*3.3*2.5 * 1600w * couloir * -17° * 1*3.3*2.5 * 500w * 35.5m3 * 2100w
<font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;null>() + 2100w</font>
|==== chambre parents ==== * -17° * 4.8*3.8*2.5 * 45.6m3 * 2400w
<font inherit/inherit;;#c0392b;;#f1c40f>(A2(</font>2094w))+ <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>306w
|==== chambre enfants ==== * -17° * 4.3*3*2.5 * 32m3 * 1700w
(A1(</font>1518w))+ <font inherit/inherit;;#8e44ad;;inherit>182w
| | ===== Total =====
17.000w (16.586w)</font>((</font>8.137w))
|||| * (A) radiateur acier - © 90*60 ⇒ 1518w - © 90*90 ⇒ 2094w - © 70*90 ⇒ 1629w - © seche serviette : 400w * (F) radiateur fonte** - © 78*22 6col x 11 ⇒ 1825w
- © 92*22 6col x 12 ⇒ 2496w
- 105*22 6col x 5 ⇒ 1160w
- © 78*22 6col x 14 ⇒ 2324w
- 90*14 6col x 5 ⇒ 665w